Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Most Distant Object in Space Spotted

Over the past few days, scientist have been observing an object that they believe is the most distant planet from our solar system. A gamma-ray burst came from about 13 billion light-years away, and represents a relic from when the universe was just 630 million years old. Gamma-ray bursts mark the dying explosion of large stars that have run out of fuel. The collapsing star cores form either black holes or neutron stars that create an intense burst of high-energy gamma-rays and form some of the brightest explosions in the early universe. NASA first discovered the object using their Swift satellite that detected an x-ray outer glow although no visible light. NASA found that the infrared light of the afterglow had the highest redshift ever measured, meaning that the wavelengths had been very stretched out during their long journey.Scientist hope to use the information gathered from the distant galaxy in hopes of learning more about the origin our own universe.


  1. 3. He gave a lot of the original information from the article.
    2. It was written well, it was very easy to understand.
    1. He gave a lot of important information.

    2. He could have told us about previous objects spotted.
    1. He could have said more about the impacts of the object in space

    1. I learned that a object was spotted in space.

  2. 1 - easy to follow
    2- good length
    3 - interesting topic

    1- more detail would be good
    2 - explainhow a gamma-ray works

    1 - i learned thata distant object was detected in space
