Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ice Melt Could Increase Sea Level Risks

Recently studies show that the melting of ice in Antarctica could cause sea level to rise drastically and devastate coastal areas such as New York, Florida, and California.

Over a long period of time, the sea level could rise up to 16 to 17 feet. The most recent climate change report stated that by the end of the century, sea level could rise up to 3 feet.

When an ice sheet melts, its gravitational pull on the ocean is reduced and water moves away from it. That means sea levels could fall near Antarctica and rise more than expected in the northern hemisphere. Antarctic bedrock that currently sits under the weight of the ice sheet will rebound from the weight, pushing some water out into the ocean. The melting of the West Antarctic ice sheet will cause the Earth's rotation axis to shift, potentially moving water northward. The net effect of all of these processes is that if the West Antarctic ice sheet collapses, the rise in sea levels around many coastal regions will be as much as 25% more than expected.

Also, A rise in methane has scientists worried that melting Arctic ice could be releasing ancient stores of the gas.


  1. 1. Full of information.
    2. I like how this article explains what happens when the ice melts.
    3. I like how she gave estimations of how much the water is predicted to rise.

    1. Could have provided more information about the gases that might be releasing.
    2. Could have provided more information as to how the ice is melting.

    1. One way to improve this post is to provide more information as to how why the ice melts, and more information about the gases that might be releasing.

  2. 1. Used specific facys to prove pionts.
    2. Expressed the dangers occuring.
    3. Intersting facts like how earth axis is pushing water northward.

    1. Could have backed up the facts providded better.
    2. Could have shown how scientist uptained this information.

    1. The fact that a rise in ocean levels would affect New york particularly.
