Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Comet Lulin appears

Ahmed Ebrahim 2/25/08

Comet Lulin in the night sky
The article that I chose is about the comet Lulin that is currently in Earth’s sky. This article explains the location of Comet Lulin throughout January, February, and March. One way to find Comet Lulin is to look for the planet Saturn. Its path is very close to Saturn so if you know where to look you will be able to find it. Comet Lulin was found in July 2007 by Lulin Observatory. It is officially known as C/2007 (Lulin). The article says that the antitail of the comet has grown bigger than the gas tail, and it is not sure why. In February the comet will be the brightest. The article includes reports from other people who tell where they found it. This is good because then you can find the comet easier.

The information in this article will help people see Comet Lulin better. This does not really affect people but for those that have never seen a comet before will be very impress by the comet, So I think the article is going to help some people, but it will not help everyone since some have seen the comet already, also scientists have pointed out that the comet is going in a circular motion (elliptical) which is quite unusual for a comet. Also the gas tail is at a right angle to the comet which is strange

The one thing that I disliked about this article was that it did not go into much depth about what a comet is. It assumed that the reader already has an understanding of them. I think this would be bad if a young person read this article because they would be confused.


  1. 3. This review gives a lot of good details.
    2. He explains why people may want to read this article.
    1. He explains the path of the orbit well.

    2. He could have gone into more depth about what comets are.
    1. He could have gone into more depth about why this comet has an elliptical orbit.

    1. I learned that there was a comet named Lulin and that it has a path very close to Saturn.

  2. 1. He presents the information in an interesting way
    2. He talked about how this comet is unusual
    3. He says how the article and comet effect people

    1. He could have said why an elliptical orbit is strange for a comet
    2. He could have given more information about what a comet is

    1. i was impressed in reading this article because it was a really interesting topic. Also, he wrote in a way that made his review quite interesting.

  3. 1. I like how he tells when the comet will appear.
    2. I like how he told about who first founded the comet.
    3. I like how he talked about the impact the comet might have on people.

    1. He could have gone into more depth as to what is a gas tail.
    2. He could of gave more information about why the orbit is strange.

    1. I learned that there was a comet Lulin and it is visible in our night sky until march.

  4. 1. Description of how the anti tail of the comet is bigger than the gas tail.
    2. I liked how he tells us when it is the best time of year to see the comet.
    3. I like how he says that the article does not properly describe a comet.

    1. Article was not well edited.
    2. There was no reference on how comet can be seen.

    1. I learned that the comet is traveling in the opposite direction than the other planets.

  5. 1. I liked how he said when the best time of year to view the comet is.
    2. He had a backround on the finding of the comet.
    3. The info was prevented in an interesting way.

    1. Could have talked about why an elpitical orbit is strange for a comet.
    2. Could have talked about what a gas tail is.

    1. Comets travel in oppisite directions then other planets.
