Sunday, March 29, 2009
Minerals on Mars Point to More Recent Presence of Water
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Recovered Pieces of Asteroid Hold Clues to Early History
Asteroid Strikes Sudan
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Jupiter's Great Red Spot Is Shrinking

While the hurricanes on Earth only last a matter of days, hurricanes on Jupiter are utterly different. The hurricanes on this Jovian planet can last for years, even centuries. For example, the Great Red Spot, a hurricane on Jupiter, has been raging for the last 300 years and is still going. However, this storm now seems to be shrinking while other spots seem to be forming on this planet. It is hard to observe the Great Red Spot because the planet Jupiter is surrounded in colorful clouds, however observations of cloud cover have suggested that the spot is indeed shrinking. The wind velocity data that has been collected form 1996 to 2006 allows scientists to analyze the wind speeds and directions, proving that the Red Spot has been shrinking along its major diameter by about 15 percent over that period. Although it is unclear to scientists exactly why the storm is shrinking, they can be sure that there is no chance of it disappearing any soon due to the fact that its winds still get up to and exceed 300 mph. The Red Spot may be shrinking, but definitely is not slowing down. The imbalanced period of losing and gaining energy are most likely why the storm is slowly shrinking. Jupiter has also had some unusual climate changes which could also be a reason for the shrinking. The planet underwent unusual weather patterns and color changes from 2005 to 2007. From these climate changes came the birth of the Little Red Spot, a storm that could very possibly overcome the Great Red Spot.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Hearts Of Galaxies Close In For Cosmic Train Wreck
This is important because it displays an example of unique movement of the galaxies that is caught during a rare phase of their evolution.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Steam Pouring Out of Alaska's Mount Redoubt
This article is important to me and society because it points the danger of the mountains eruptions to the citizens nearby. It also informs people about volcanoes and help increase awareness of them. The article helped me learn about volcanoes and
The article was written well though it was rather short and things could have been explained much better. It assumes that the reader knows a lot of basic facts about volcanoes.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Semeru Volcano, Indonesia
Sermeru is at a level 2 of 4 alert watch. Explosions have been occurring in intervals of about 20 and 30 minutes. So far the erruptions have not been accompanied by pyroclastic flows, however scientists are still afraid that it might occur. Scientists are worried about the near by villages of Rowo Baung and Supit, for they could be negatively affected by the explosions. residents should be prepared for possible ash fall. Also air crafts should be on the look out for explosions and ash emissions.